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Eyebrow Transplant – a way to beautiful eyebrows !!!

AK Clinics | November, 6 2014 | 0 Comments

We recently received an email from Mayuri, someone who was looking to learn more about an eyebrow transplant. Here is the information that was sent out to her:

We understand that eyebrows are an important part of one’s persona, which is why women have been shaping them for ages. However, there are conditions that could lead to the loss of eyebrows. There are some primary causes for eyebrow loss and these include:

  • Over plucking or excessive shaping
  • Genetics – thin eyebrows
  • Alopecia universalis
  • Medical conditions such as chronic anaemia and thyroid
  • Trauma, accidents or burns

While for most people, eyebrows are only an aspect of looking good, they are actually crucial for providing symmetry to the face. There are many cases, where without proper eyebrows, people have faced severe loss in confidence and have been extremely self-conscious about their appearance. This is why, if you too are suffering from such a condition, you should consult with a doctor, who will be able to rejuvenate your brows.

Here’s a look at how we could go about restoring your brows:

  • We could utilise medicines to stabilise the loss
  • We could consider hair transplantation

There are some topical solutions and lotions that can be applied on the eyebrows, but these might work only in cases, where the hair loss is minimal.

The other option for having beautiful thick eyebrows is to go for a transplant. Eyebrow transplant or restoration should be done by an experienced transplant surgeon as the angle and direction of hairs placed should be made very carefully to have a natural look. Usually grafts are harvested from the scalp donor area and single haired grafts are preferred for eyebrows. These transplanted hairs may have to be trimmed once it grows to keep up with the normal eyebrow length.

So if you feel that your eyebrows need restoration, please visit our clinic and our doctors will ensure that you have a fuller looking brow in no time!

AK Clinics

AK Clinics

AK Clinics- India most trusted & recommended Hair, Skin, Cosmetic Surgery Clinics in India run by Dr. Kapil Dua & Dr. Aman Dua with a mission empowering one million indians to look and feel their best.

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