It is quite common to see tresses shedding while taking bath or combing hair. Seeing them float over the drain makes one conscious enough. Well, the reasons responsible for hair fall may vary. For some it might be poor hair texture or damaged follicles, while for others it could be dandruff. Yes, you hear it right, dandruff?

How To Know You Have Dandruff?

Are you one of those who have itchy scalp? Do you often see white flakes falling over your shoulders and afraid to wear dark t-shirts? If yes, you are definitely a victim of dandruff. Not to worry, dandruff is not even that dangerous and is treatable as well. Dandruff, which is often referred to as seborrhoea dermatitis is a scalp condition that is categorized by tiny scraps of dry skin over the scalp.


Link Between Dandruff & Hair Fall 

While it can be inconvenient enough, so far there is no evidence that justifies dandruff being responsible for hair loss. However, we will still emphasise that dandruff could lead to hair fall. This is because immense dryness over scalp causes itchiness and this eventually leads to scratching of scalp. This results in dandruff that is more visible and eventually weakens hair follicles. Weakening of hair follicles makes our hair prone to breakage and causes visible hair loss.

Hence, to stop your hair from withering, it is essential to control the level of dandruff over scalp. Shampooing daily with dandruff controlling shampoos can keep a check over the situation. By shampooing, we here refer not only the tresses but also your scalp. Gently massaging scalp in the shower will enhance circulation and regulate hair growth. Try looking for shampoos with ingredients like Zinc pyrithione, Salicylic acid and sulphur and Ketoconazole. In case, problem persists, one could always seek for help from dermatologists

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Will soya enriched shampoo really work wonders for your hair from “root to tip” as the conditioner ad proclaims? Have you tried every tip in the book, TV commercial, blogs like this one and are still left fuming and frustrated with bushels of hair yanked out by your high-quality imported brush? Can any oil or changes in your diet become that ultimate miracle cure for falling hair and its consequent larger nightmare, baldness?

 And when is hair fall a cause for serious concern, especially since losing almost 40-50 strands of hair daily is considered normal? Understand the cycle of hair growth to differentiate whether suffering from hair fall at a particular time or season is okay or needs treatment on a war footing. For instance, genetically if you are not blessed with thick hair, but thin hair, it should not be cause for worry. But if your hair has begun to become sparse or due to hormonal changes, stress or other factors like environmental pollution, residue from hair sprays and gels, you have begun to experience hair fall or thinning hair, then you need to identify the cause and appropriate form of rectifying this.

While everyone clamours for Rapunzel-like hair and what with radio jingles and contests promising the moon, it is natural for people to think that despite having a far-from-desirable crown, it is possible to swish one’stresses like the gorgeous Ashwarya Rai endorsing a hair colour. The truth is doing a reality check.  Baldness can be treated, so can various other hair problems under the guidance of experts like the world renowned surgeons at A K Clinics with their centres in Ludhiana, Delhi, Mumbai.  However, it is necessary to be able to discern whether your condition warrants such a high level of expertise and specialized, medical care. If yes, research extensively before signing up for any technique, check testimonials thoroughly and only then take a decision about which option will give optimum results, in terms of downtime, cost and a whole lot of factors that need to be examined with a fine-toothed comb. Your checklist should contain a yes answer for minimum three of the following:

1)       Is the cure being prescribed, a permanent one?

2)       Is the treatment, the best possible alternative or a compromise due to lack of technological development?

3)       Will the treatment enhance my relationship or career prospects?

4)       Is the procedure being followed tried and tested and conducted by certified professionals?

5)       Am I certain there will be no side-effects and prepared to deal with drawbacks should the procedure go wrong?

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Thinning is a stressful phenomenon  that occurs in many women as well as men. As the person starts getting aged, germ centers within the follicles on the skin become damaged, and as a result, the follicle produces a thinner, weaker called a vellus hair. The new, better hairs are so thin that they can hardly be observed by the naked eye. But this isn’t the case; the hair is there. It’s just too thin to see. There can be various reasons for thinning like a medical condition or often it can just be a part of getting older.

Among the many possible causes are hereditary, stress, poor diet, chemicals and wearing styles that put excessive tension on the hair, thyroid disorder or maybe a serious deficiency in certain nutrients and vitamins can also cause thinning. Usually though, thinning is an inherited trait. In women, locks tend to thin out on the top or sides of the head or at the crown. A good number of people worldwide experience partial or complete loss. There are different reasons of this agonizing problem. So it is very difficult for dermatologists to determine exact reason of loss. By trying the following tips you can re-grow and can improve their thickness too. A few Tips to how to prevent hair fall and how to stop hair fall

Shampoo and blow-dry you hair cautiously.

Wash your hair regularly. Use a thickening shampoo and apply it only to the scalp, then use a volume-building conditioner. There are several options available ranging from over the counter shampoos to prescription. Any type of loss or thinning will benefit from using a thickening shampoo and conditioner. Never use a blow-dryer immediately after the wash. Let your hair partially dry before using a blow-dryer; this will keep water from heating up inside hair strands and making them brittle. Set your blow-dryer to cool or warm —not hot.

Avoid excess of Hair styling.

Avoid putting surplus tension on the hair. Wearing your hair in tight braids or ponytails and other styles that pull hair tightly can make hair more brittle and more likely to fall out; so can regular curling with irons or hot rollers. If these styles must be worn, reduce the tension on the hair. Also, using the wrong type of comb or brush, excessive heat-styling and not properly de-tangling can cause excess tension — ultimately leading to hair thinning and breakage.

Take vitamins and supplements.

To improve hair growth and strength you need to take proper vitamins. Try a vitamin B complex and Biotin which is the most essential vitamin for hair growth, to give your body the nutrients it needs for healthy hair growth. Visit a nutrition and vitamin center or pharmacy and search for supplements made prevent hair lossespecially for hair.


Consult your hairdresser.

Trimming of your hair every month will keep the hair healthy. Ask your hairdresser for the right haircut which can hide sparse areas. Coloring your hair can help, too, especially if you add a few highlights around your face and go with a base shade that’s not too dark or too light.


Go for the Treatment.

If nothing is working and you have regular excessive hair fall immediately go and see your doctor. Take his advice and have a full diagnosis of your hair fall then opt for the treatment. If you all of a sudden notice hair loss, it is a good idea to consult your doctor. Your doctor may want to perform some tests to see if you have a medical condition that’s causing your hair to thin. If your hair loss is caused by a medication you take, talk to your doctor about switching to something else. So hope you will follow these tip to how to prevent hair fall and how to stop hair fall.

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