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How To Care your Skin in every Season

Dr. Aman Dua | December, 30 2015 | 0 Comments

In most parts of the world, the year is divided into four major seasons – spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are some places in the world, which are hot throughout the year and then there are also those places, which are constantly cold. However, majority of people have to brave through the four seasons and it is their skin and hair that is most affected during the changing months. This adverse effect can be minimized by following few easy rituals which are elaborated below. You also need to remember that as the season changes, you have to alter your regular skin regime, if you wish to maintain that natural glow, forever.


This is perhaps a season that is loved the world over, because the weather is pleasant, the flowers are starting to bloom and staying outdoors is easy. However, this is also the time, when most of the people are outdoors, often forgetting the all-important sunscreen.

Here are the things that you should and should not do, during the spring months

  • As is the case with any month of the year, you need to make sure that you know your skin type, because this will enable you to purchase the right type of skin care products.
  • Your skin type will also decide how quickly your skin can get sun burn, which is why you will need to buy sun protection with the appropriate amount of sun protection factor.
  • Talking to your dermatologist will give you a good idea about which types of skin care products are ideal for you.
  • While the sun might seem pleasant and comfortable, it is crucial that you apply sun screen lotion, every time you step out. Apply it liberally on all parts of the body, which are likely to be exposed to the sun.
  • If you are planning to spend time in the pool, invest in a sunscreen that will not dissolve in the water.


The summer season is probably the most dangerous time of the year for the skin, because one is more prone to sweating and tanning. And no matter how the tan looks on you, a tan is never good for you, because it is an indication that your skin has become damaged.

Here are the things that you should and should not do, during the summer months

  • No matter what you are planning to do, make sure that you apply liberal amounts of sunscreen on your body and face. Irrespective of your skin type, it would make sense to wear a sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or above.

Wheneverskin care in summer you are stepping out, wear clothing that will protect your skin. Wear pants, shirts with long sleeves, hats and sunglasses to ensure maximum protection. Choose cotton clothing as it will allow your skin to breathe. These days, you can even purchase clothing that offers sun protection.

  • If you notice any change in your skin colour, moles or pigmentation, then you should not ignore the same. It is advisable to visit a dermatologist at the earliest.
  • While sunbathing might seem like a comforting thought, you need to remember that the sun will definitely cause damage. Taking breaks or dips in the water might provide temporary relief, but it will most certainly not prevent the skin from burning.
  • Aloe vera might provide you with temporary relief, but it is not sufficient to protect you from skin cancer. Every time you step out into the sun, without protection, you are increasing the chances of skin cancer and though aloe vera could help with the sunburn, it will not reduce the chances of cancer.


When leaves start falling off the trees, and there is a slight chill in the air, it signals the arrival of dry skin. This is the time when the skin starts losing moisture, which is essential to keep it looking healthy and supple.

Here are the things that you should and should not do, during the autumn months

After the harsh summer months, the autumn season will provide the much required relief to the skin and allow the skin to heal from the aftermath of sun, water and chlorine. However, it is important to remember that this is also the time, when the chill is in the air which will dry your skin out.

  • Since your skin starts becoming drier during this season, invest in a moisturiser, as opposed to a daily lotion. Choose something that has a thicker consistency, as it will
    provide a stronger layer of protection to your skin. The cream will provide a much required oily barrier of protection to your skin.
  • Your bath routine will also require some change – instead of showering in cold water, switch to warm water and invest in good exfoliators. Exfoliate during bath and apply the moisturiser immediately after to seal in the hydration.
  • Most people tend to forget their lips, which is why you need to make sure that you invest in a good lip balm. Apply it as and when required and you could also choose a lip balm that has sunscreen in it.
  • This is a time when hands get really dry, because for many people, their hands are constantly in and out of water. Autumn would be the best time to start applying a good hand cream to ensure that your hands stay soft and moisturised throughout.
  • Even though the sun might not seem strong enough during these months, you will still need sun screen. So, whenever you are stepping out during the day time, make sure you apply sunscreen.


There are several people who are fond of the winter season. This is the time when you can bundle up in soft and warm clothes, spend time outdoors soaking in the gentle sun and gorge on hot soups and stews. While your skin will certainly benefit from the fruits and vegetables that you consume during the winter months, the sun will still not be your friend.

Here are the things that you should and should not do, during the winter months

It is important to remember that the cold winter months are also the harshest for your skin, mainly because of the dryness. One has to struggle with chapped skin, cracked heels and even irritation in this season.

  • Moisturisers will be your best friend during this period and you need to make sure that you pick out a good cream, as opposed to a lotion, because you will need a thicker layer of protection.
  • Standing under the hot shower might seem quite comforting, but you need to remember that hot water will rob your skin of essential oils. It would be best to use warm water and apply generous amounts of moisturiser, immediately after your bath.
  • While you might pay a lot of attention to your face, there are other parts of your body, which need just as much attention. This includes the lips, hands and feet, which is why you need to invest in appropriate skin care products.
  • And even though the sun feels really warm and comfortable, make sure you apply sunscreen, which you can either mix with your moisturiser or apply after the application of moisturiser.

Dr. Aman Dua

Dr. Aman Dua

Dr. Aman Dua, Co-Founder & Managing Director at AK Clinics has over 14 years of clinical and teaching experience in the fields of Dermatology and Hair Transplant. Clinically, she has practiced aesthetic dermatology as a Consultant at Dayanand Medical Hospital, Ludhiana where she also served as the Assistant Professor & Skin Specialist for a number of years.

Over the course of her career, she has garnered acclaim as a facial aesthetics expert, with special interest in non-surgical acne scar removal. She practices as a Chief Dermatologist at Ludhiana Clinics.

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